The following information is required in order to complete a loan application and submit to an automated underwriter, which will give us acceptance for your loan. Thank you! |
Borrower's First Name: |
Co-Borrower's First Name: |
Borrower's Last Name: |
Co-Borrower's Last Name: |
Borrower's SSN: |
Co-Borrower's SSN: |
Borrower's Home Telephone: |
Co-Borrower's Home Telephone: |
Borrower's Cellphone: |
Co-Borrower's Cellphone: |
Borrower's E-mail Address: |
Co-Borrower's E-mail Address: |
Borrower's Date of Birth: |
Co-Borrower's Date of Birth: |
Borrower's Years In School: |
Co-Borrower's Years In School: |
i.e. - 12 for high school, 16 for college, etc. |
Borrower's Present Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Own |
Rent |
Number of Years: |
Co-Borrower's Present Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Own |
Rent |
Number of Years: |
Borrower's Previous Address if Present is less than 2 Years: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Own |
Rent |
Number of Years: |
Co-Borrower's Previous Address if Present is less than 2 Years: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Own |
Rent |
Number of Years: |
Subject Property Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Primary Residence |
Second Home |
Investment Property |
Expected Sales Price: $ |
- enter a number without punctuation |
Downpayment or Amount Willing to Pay in Order to Move In: % |
- enter a % down, i.e. 0%, 5%, 10%, or 20 |
Loan Term: (i.e. - 180, 240, or 360 month loan) |
Loan Type |
Fixed Rate |
ARM Type: years (3, 5, 7, 10) |
Purpose of Loan: (i.e. - purchase, refinance, construction, or construction-permanent) |
Purchase |
Refinance (cash out) |
Refinance (no cash out) |
Construction |
Construction (Permanent) |
- additional information will be required if this loan is a refinance or a construction-permanent loan |
Borrower's Employer Name: |
Borrower's Employer Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Borrower's Position/Title: |
Borrower's Employer Phone Number: |
Borrower's Years on Job: |
Months: |
Borrower's Years in Same Type of Work: |
Borrower's Previous Employer Name: |
Borrower's Previous Employer Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Borrower's Previous Position/Title: |
Borrower's Previous Employer Phone Number: |
Dates Employed From |
To: |
Co-Borrower's Employer Name: |
Co-Borrower's Employer Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Co-Borrower's Position/Title: |
Co-Borrower's Employer Phone Number: |
Co-Borrower's Years on Job: |
Months: |
Co-Borrower's Years in Same Type of Work: |
Co-Borrower's Previous Employer Name: |
Co-Borrower's Previous Employer Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zipcode: |
Co-Borrower's Previous Position/Title: |
Co-Borrower's Previous Employer Phone Number: |
Dates Employed From |
To: |
Gross Monthly Income |
Borrower |
Co-Borrower |
Base Income (Salary): |
$ |
$ |
Overtime: |
$ |
$ |
Bonuses: |
$ |
$ |
Commissions: |
$ |
$ |
- for salary divide yearly by 12 |
- for overtime, bonuses, and commission average last 24 months and divide by 24 |
Current Monthly Rent Payment: (n/a if currently paying a mortgage) |
Currently Monthly Mortgage Payment: total PITI, principal, interest, taxes, and insurance |
Assets: |
Earnest Money Already Deposited in the amount of |
List all Checking & Savings Accounts: |
Name of Bank: |
Type of Account: |
Balance: $ |
Name of Bank: |
Type of Account: |
Balance: $ |
Name of Bank: |
Type of Account: |
Balance: $ |
Name of Bank: |
Type of Account: |
Balance: $ |
Name of Bank: |
Type of Account: |
Balance: $ |
Stocks or Bonds: |
Company Name: |
Value: $ |
Company Name: |
Value: $ |
Automobiles: |
Year, Make, & Model: |
Market Value: $ |
Year, Make, & Model: |
Market Value: $ |
Vested Interest in Retirement Fund: $ |
- take 70% of total value for qualification purposes |
Other Assets (Personal Property, etc): $ |
- if everything you owned needed to be replaced, give a general estimate of the incurred costs |
Real Estate Owned: |
Property Address:
City, State, Zip:
Property Description:
Property Type:
Present Market Value: $ |
Mortgage Payments: $ |
Property Address:
City, State, Zip:
Property Description:
Property Type:
Present Market Value: $ |
Mortgage Payments: $ |
Property Address:
City, State, Zip:
Property Description:
Property Type:
Present Market Value: $ |
Mortgage Payments: $ |
Please explain in detail any other pertinent information about what type of loan you are seeking in the space below: |
Please check this box to signify that you are entirely finished with the loan application. This box must be checkmarked before you can submit your application. Thank you. |