Our Current Projects

We are currently engaged in five major projects. You can explore each of them at their page on this site.

 Mortgage Advice
  Getting a loan is easy. There are over 200 loan programs to choose from. Getting the right loan--the one that does the most to help you reach your overall goals--is not so easy. We provide a great deal of information. And we will answer your questions promptly. We're also prepared to help you get the mortgage that will benefit you the most. You can apply on line at this website.

 Benefits Programs
  The best benefits are the tangible ones. Our Benefits Programs for Valued Employees, Valued Members and Valued Clients deliver real, tangible benefits. For example, if you buy or sell your next home through our program you will receive thousands of dollars in CASH benefits at settlement. You will continue to save after settlement by gaining access to special discounts from national retailers. You can use these benefits for up to a year after you settle. Local businesses and professional service providers also extend special savings to Benefits Program participants. Real cash savings--every month--for everyone.

 The Open Heart Project
  Primus Advisors supports this charitable foundation that is committed to making it easy for you to engage in "acts of kindness" that are important to you--and to reduce your income taxes at the same time. The Open Heart Project will use your donation to fund charitable endeavors, or will work to give you a platform for your personal involvement. Do you have an idea? Can we help?

 Creative Divorce
  Divorce is rarely pleasant. But it doesn't have to be ugly, brutish, destructive and poisonous. Your options for handling your divorce have recently expanded. In addition to a "do-it-yourself" process, litigation and mediation you can now choose a collaborative divorce. In this process you have full legal representation and proceed in a structured process aimed at negotiating an equitable settlement directly. A "do-it-yourself" process two parties who are unable to agree on how to live together must now agree on how to terminate the relationship on their own. In mediation a neutral party "referees" the process but does not represent the interests of either party. In litigation the attorneys talk to the court, and the court dictates the outcome. In collaborative divorce the parties retain control over the outcome, and protect their privacy throughout.

Primus Advisors serves as a divorce financial analyst. We assist the parties and the attorneys in valuing marital assets and structuring an equitable outcome. Visit this section of our website for more information, and for a list of some of the collaboratively trained family law attorneys in our area.

 Advisor Support
  This project provides private support to financial advisors committed to delivering outstanding advice to their clients. Advisors are invited to submit requests for analysis and guidance in advising their clients on mortgage finance questions.