What is it?

The Open Heart Project is an IRC 501(c)(3) charitable foundation. It serves as a platform to encourage individuals and groups to perform acts of kindness.

And what is an act of kindness? An act of kindness is an act or expression of generosity toward another person--emanating from an open heart.

An open heart is a life stance--an attitude toward each person one encounters, directly and indirectly. It is a mindset and heartset that shapes how one greets and responds to both people and events. An open heart affirms that all life is interconnected. It embraces the view that, in the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, "we live in a state of interbeing."

The Open Heart Project supports efforts to relieve human suffering, promote personal growth and enlightenment, develop community structures that empower human development, increase environmental stewardship, and advocate for those whose cries we hear, tears we dry and kinship we feel. It was established as a platform to support and enhance the efforts of persons who are engaged in "acts of kindness."

The organizing officers of The Open Heart Project have been engaged in "acts of kindness" for many years. They came together to achieve three goals: (1) to create a platform to sustain this work, (2) to enable supporters to make tax deductible contributions, and (3) to provide a ready-made platform for others who want to become engaged in acts of kindness.